days have passed since the beginning of World War Two!
Slogans that Helped us Get through the War!
'Night and day men of the Royal Navy cheerfully risk their lives to guard your food. They don't mind danger but waste gives them the creeps!'
Lady Reading, WVS - 1941
'Always have food for bombed-out people that is easy to eat. The first thing people lose is their spectacles, and the second is their teeth.'
East London Magistrate - 1940
'The things that are going on now in these public air raid shelters are very dreadful. For a young girl to go into a public shelter now without her father and mother is simply asking for trouble.'
Official Poster - 1942
'A job with the hoe is a stab at the foe.'
Ovaltine Advert - 1940
'Drink "Ovaltine" and note the difference in your Nerve-strength and Outlook!'